Pietro Cava durum wheat semolina pasta variety Cappelli extruded through bronze; 100% italian wheat from organic farming.
Pietro Cava pasta was created with the aim of giving the consumer a genuine product without any chemical manipulation.
The flours are born in the territory of the National Park of Cilento from certified organic wheat, so as to obtain a genuine, high quality, low gluten semolina (about 6%), which gives the product a very high digestibility.
The Pietro Cava “extruded through bronze” pasta has a wrinkled surface that is more suitable for retaining the sauce.
Pietro Cava pasta is dried at a low temperature (about 45°) for a time ranging from 24 hours to 36 hours, thus ensuring a product that preserves the nutrient, protein and vitamin content and giving back to the palate peasant and increasingly rare flavours.
Selection: Strascinate, Stelline, Spaghettoni, Rigatoni, Paccheri, Orecchiette Pugliesi, Maccheroncino Rigato, Linguine, Cavatone, Caserecce, Calamarata
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